The Kiel Ministry of Education, a region of Northern Germany have recently taken the decision to include a compulsory trip to a mosque with the school curriculum, citing the positive benefits for young people in gaining a valuable insight into Muslim society. This is in accord with the government policy for the entire country which aims to promote an education of inclusion, knowledge and interaction between races and faiths. Following Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to operate an open policy to refugees and their settlement throughout the country, measures such as this to increase multicultural knowledge and social accord can only be welcomed. However the decision has sparked controversy amongst parents with one couple facing court action for refusing to allow their son to go on the trip.
The couple have been accused of allowing their son to be truant from compulsory education, which generates a fine of €300 euros in Germany. The government of the region have also said that a pupil cannot join another class while their peers are on said trip. The couple appealed the fine and are now facing prosecution.
The parents have said they belong to no religion and argued that their resistance was on ideological grounds, fearing indoctrination and negative influence from the trip. In a letter addressed to the school, the father reportedly argued: "For years we have been hearing reports about religiously-motivated violence connected with Islamic people" and that no one should be made to enter a religious building against their will. The family lawyer argued that it was a genuine and sincere fear for the “bodily safety” of their child that motivated the couple to deny their consent. They deny islamophobia as a motivation.
Renate Fritzsche, the Principal of the school, said no exceptions could be made to Germany's mandatory education laws: "We also have Muslim children with us and Muslim parents also know that there are no exceptions […] Muslim children do not have the option to skip swimming or sex education lessons.”
Measures of this nature, rolled out for inclusion and multiculturalism will undoubtedly continue to generate controversy in the pursuit of peace.
Handsam has country specific guidance on Germany, if you are planning to take your students to Deutschland. See also our school trip planning system and risk assessment guidance for extra support.