Pupils from Highfields School in Matlock Derbyshire were returning from a half term trip to Paris when boarder authorities were forced to seize their coach. The school group were moving back through the port of Calais when their journey was halted due to stowaways. Migrants had managed to access the luggage compartment of the vehicle, forcing the students and their teachers to abandon their transport as the coach was seized for investigation. The group had to leave all their possessions as the police began a full search after the driver raised the alarm.
Co-Head Teacher Peter Cole stated that at no point were the children in danger and that "our students behaved in an exemplary fashion throughout. They were superbly supported by an experienced group of staff, who ensured that they had a very productive and enjoyable visit. We remain committed to providing students with the excellent opportunities that foreign trips provide and will take into account all relevant factors in future planning."
However one parent stated: “It is concerning that no-one knew they were there and that our young people had to abandon some of their belongings while all of this was going on. Maybe schools need to think twice about going through Calais with youngsters, while the current problems associated with the camp there are sorted out.” The migrant crisis has led to several incidents of this nature taking place, with concerns around safety on both sides of the boarder being raised.
A second coach was quickly dispatched to retrieve the students and belongings left on the coach returned to their owners. The party arrived safely home on schedule. The migrant camp at Calais, often referred to by the media as the Jungle, has since been disbanded.
The Foreign Office holds a wealth of online advice which is regularly updated about the political and social situations in foreign nations, with information on correct preparation and travel precautions. HandsamSchoolTripAdvisor can help you plan correctly for your destination with our trip planning system and advice on risk assessment for potential flash points of your journey.