Warwick Arts Centre

Warwick Arts Centre

The Arts Centre is open seven days a week and events are primarily presented during the three 10-week University terms, except for films, which are shown for 52 weeks of the year. At Christmas the Theatre and Studio are used for family shows. During vacations, particularly Easter and Summer, Warwick Arts Centre acts as a major conference centre for the University’s award winning conference operation. This provides an important source of income for the Arts Centre. Conferences are serviced by Arts Centre technical and front of house staff.

The five main auditoria and visual art spaces (Butterworth Hall, Theatre, Studio Theatre, Cinema and Gallery) present over 2300 events and performances a year of music, drama, dance, mime, comedy, film, visual arts and literature. The programme is further supported by a vigorous strand of education activities participated in by over 87,000 young people annually. The cultural programme ranges from the classical to the experimental across a diversity of cultures with the accent firmly on the contemporary. Audiences are similarly diverse and number over 300,000 visits annually.


Stimulating creativity, sparking imaginations, broadening horizons. Welcome to the Education Department.

Want to take part in our award-winning programme of education work? Whether you are a school, college, university or member of the public we have something for you.

We arrange post-show talks, construct one of the country’s most comprehensive cinema programmes Into Film Festival, and select plays for our weekend Family programme and for schools.

We organise workshops to accompany performances, run half-term arts activities and Youth Theatre groups, and fundraise for and manage an ambitious programme of home-grown arts education projects.

We work with teachers in primary schools, secondary schools, colleges and universities. 

Artistic Programme for Schools

Our work with schools is vital to the life of our Education Programme, so we continue to ensure that we can offer to young people in schools an acclaimed portfolio of cultural activities and events, and the highest quality arts education projects for all ages and abilities.

Our artistic programme provides opportunities for young people to immerse themselves in the arts – watching great stories unfold onstage in our theatre programme, experiencing displays of physical strength and ability in our dance programme, and taking in world-class art in our Mead Gallery.

We have also ensured the continuation of Boys Dancing, Partners, Take Part in Art, NT Connections and The Mysteries Festival which together will give large numbers of young people the chance to work as artists with artists who can offer inspiration and freshness of approach.

Venue Category: 
Theatres, Music and Performing Arts Venues
Activities provided: 
Arts and Crafts
Concerts / Performances
Drama / Performing
Guided Tour
Activities for people with SEN/Disabilities: 
PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education)
Key Stage 2 (8-11)
Key Stage 3 (12-14)
Key Stage 4 (15-16)
Key Stage 5 (17+)
Overall Rating: 
Educational Experience: 
Fun Factor: 
Value for Money: 
Venue Address: 
Warwick University
United Kingdom
Venue Contact Number: 
024 7652 4524 Box Office
Contact Email: 

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