Glastonbury Tor

Glastonbury Tor

Prominent hill overlooking the Isle of Avalon, Glastonbury and Somerset

This iconic and evocative landmark offers magnificent views of the Somerset Levels, Dorset, Wiltshire and Wales.

Steeped in history and legend, excavations at the top of the Tor have revealed the plans of two superimposed churches of St Michael, of which only a 15th-century tower remains.

Glastonbury Tor also has a grisly past. Abbot Richard Whiting was executed here in 1549 on the orders of Thomas Cromwell, the first Earl of Essex.

Glastonbury Tor is known as being one of the most spiritual sites in the country. Its pagan beliefs are still very much celebrated. It’s a beautiful place to walk, unwind and relax. Climb up to St Michael's Tower, sit down and take in the beauty of the place.

St Michael's Tower

St Michael's Tower is all that's left of a church that was built on the Tor.

The tower lies on the St Michael line, which goes in a straight line from St Michael's Mount, through Burrow Mump and the Tor, to Avebury.

King Arthur

King Arthur and his knights of the round table, legend has it, visited Glastonbury Tor.

Find out what they were looking for and what was found in Glastonbury Abbey in 1191.


In William Blake’s poem Jerusalem, he asks:

'And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England’s mountains green?
And was the Holy Lamb of God 
On England’s pleasant pastures seen?'

Find out whose feet he was talking about and why they made their way to Glastonbury Tor.


Watch out for kestrels at the end of summer. Swallows gather here to feast on insects before flying off for the winter. You may catch an aerial view of a Green woodpecker as you climb the Tor.

The Tor is also home to badgers, rabbits and foxes. Look out for the rabbits early in the morning. The badgers and foxes will come out later in the evening.

The Tor is managed by grazing sheep and cows. The livestock help to keep the grass short in a natural and traditional way.

Collard Hill is the only place in Britain where you're freely able to see this incredibly rare and special butterfly. We've dedicated this hillside to the conservation of the Large Blue and helping you engage with this most curious of insects.

Don't Miss

  • Bring a picnic and a kite and spend the day at the Tor
  • Wander round the apple orchards at the bottom of the Tor
  • Visit the Polden Hills in search of the Large Blue butterfly
  • Visit our shop at Wells
Venue Category: 
Historic Buildings & Monuments
Associated Organisation: 
Activities provided: 
Animal Encounters
Guided Tour
PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education)
Religious Education
Key Stage 1 (4-7)
Key Stage 2 (8-11)
Key Stage 3 (12-14)
Key Stage 4 (15-16)
Key Stage 5 (17+)
Overall Rating: 
Educational Experience: 
Fun Factor: 
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Venue Address: 
Glastonbury Tor
United Kingdom
Venue Contact Number: 
01934 844518
01452 814213
Contact Email: 

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