Every school wants to provide a variety of exciting and diverse trips for their pupils, allowing learning outside the classroom to inform and enrich as many elements of the curriculum as possible. However, financial considerations influence the scope and scale of the adventures schools are able to undertake. Financing trips is often a major headache, leading to disappointments and curtailments with budgets divided and subdivided.
One way of addressing this lack of resource and thereby increasing the opportunities for your pupils to enjoy new experiences, is through fundraising. Schools could decide to focus on a once in a lifetime trip, or gather finance so that no trip ever has to be denied again.
On the 20th September the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom is hosting a course looking at the practice of fundraising for trips (9.30am-4.30pm, The Lordship Recreation Ground, Higham Road, Tottenham, London, N17 6NU).
The course is delivered in partnership with the Foundation for Social Improvement, who bring a wealth of experience in fundraising and the highest training standards, as well as specialising in helping non-profit organisations and small charities.
Suitable for both schools and organisations providing school trips and activity days, the course will look at the most relevant sources of funding and how to maximise it. A school may look to draw on the supportive wider community, apply for a grant from a trust or charity, appeal to a local business or pursue help from individual donors such as former pupils or parents. Those who have experience in the world of fundraising will learn new techniques and refresh the old, while those who are entirely new to the practice can begin to develop the key skills and knowledge for successful campaigns.
The session will cover:
• Making the case for why someone should support you;
• Fundraising from individuals and the community;
• Raising funds from grant applications to charitable trusts and companies; and
• Bringing it together – developing a plan.
The session will provide a platform for the discussion of your own fundraising and trip ideas, allowing you to draw on professional knowledge and experience. In addition to gaining an understanding of how to pursue successful fundraising, you will leave the session with a framework of a funding plan which you can then begin to swiftly put into action at your own school.
Children should have the opportunity to experience new and exciting things as part of their education, and it is our role as educators to do everything possible to facilitate this. Handsam can provide a variety of services to help you to deliver safe and interesting trip experiences, including risk assessment guidance and our Trip Planning System. Also as part of our Quick Guides, we have information on voluntary funds and fundraising activities in schools in England and Wales.