In 2018 the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom (CLOtC) will be running workshops for schools and providers of LOtC concerning the topic of ‘Fundraising for Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC)’. The first workshop will be held on Wednesday 17th January, 9:30am to 4:30pm at the Islington Ecology Centre in London. There will also be a workshop on Tuesday 6th February at Wharton Park, Durham.
Financing and funding learning outside the classroom (LOtC) is a challenge shared by both schools and providers who want to provide more LOtC experiences for young people. In order to help address this issue, the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom is offering this workshop which looks specifically at fundraising for LOtC.
This course, suitable for both schools and LOtC provider organisations, will look particularly at the funding sources which are most relevant to LOtC; individual donations, community fundraising, grant making trusts, and local businesses. It is ideal for those who are just starting out in fundraising as well as those who would like a refresher.
CLOtC are working in partnership with the Foundation for Social Improvement (FSI), who specialise in supporting other small charities and not-for-profit organisations; utilising the organisation’s experience in fundraising and skills in delivering high quality training.
The session will cover:
- Making the case for why someone should support you;
- Fundraising from individuals and the community;
- Raising funds from grant applications to charitable trusts and companies; and
- Bringing it together – developing a plan.
There will be plenty of opportunity for discussion and participants will leave with the framework of a fundraising plan for their organisation to enable them to put what they have learnt on the workshop into action and start raising funds for LOtC.
To book, visit the CLOtC website.
If you are a CLOtC member, you benefit from a discount on all CLOtC training courses. To find out more about the CLOtC membership, see here.