Halsbury Travel, LOtC Quality Badge Holders, have written an excellent guide on how to continue the learning back in the classroom after a school trip. Doing so enhances the educational value of a school trip and ensures pupils remember the important lessons learnt on a visit as well as keeping them inspired by what they have experienced.
Their ideas include a classroom diary, whether visual or written, to gather pupils' thoughts on the destination, what they learnt and what they enjoyed the most whilst on the trip. They also suggest encouraging pupils to create a photo collage or short film together, perhaps focusing around a specific theme of the trip. This works better with some forward planning so that pupils are aware of this challenge in advance, so they can prepare whilst on the trip and adapt their photography/filming.
Another idea by Halsbury Travel is to invite pupils to hold an assembly where they report on the trip to rest of the school community. This could be aided by a slideshow with pupils taking it in turns to talk and explain where they went, what they did and what they learnt. This is a great way of giving pupils experience in public speaking, an often dreaded task for both children and adults, but one which is regularly required in life.
To read the full article, click here. If you are already looking for school trip ideas for the next academic year, HandsamSchoolTripsAdvisor has a wealth of trip ideas and venues.