Getting involved in British Science Week - the largest UK-wide celebration of science, technology, engineering and mathematics - is really easy to do and you and your students can take part in loads of different ways.
Almost 1,000 events are already planned for British Science Week and you can find out all about them by searching their listings here:
To keep in touch, follow British Science Week by following @ScienceWeekUK or using #BSW16 on Twitter, or by visiting the British Science Week facebook page: /ScienceWeek UK
Become a citizen scientist!
This British Science Week, our citizen science projects are all things bat-related.
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Take a quiz
An easy and popular way to get involved in British Science Week, test your knowledge and see how much you know about the world of science!
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Run an activity
Looking for inspiration on a rainy day, or do you need a quick activity to entertain your STEM club? Browse through our vast library of activity packs and find a fascinating and fun idea to keep people of all ages occupied!
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Run a demo
Demo Day is an annual campaign during British Science Week that aims to inspire secondary school teachers and technicians to explore new concepts, provoke discussions and generate excitement through running science demonstrations. It has run successfully for the last two years in hundreds of schools across the UK. This year Demo Day is set for 17 March 2016. Find out more by searching #DemoDay16 on Twitter.
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Or, if you would like to know how other schools engage with British Science Week find out more here:
You can contact British Science Week by emailing [email protected]