

All Music courses include studying types, styles and epoques of music-making. They involve listening and playing. Both primary and secondary schools arrange visits to concerts of all types, run workshops and often have visiting groups or individuals in the school. These can range from playing percussion instruments such as tambourines or marimbas with Early Years and Key Stage 1 students through to having students in their final years at school reaching Grade 5 (GCSE) standard in performance or above.

Many enhance these experiences with opportunities to make music with other schools or with professionals, both at the school and away in other locations. There has been a rapid growth in multicultural music-making at both primary and secondary levels. In particular, the opportunities to learn new and unfamiliar instruments are legion.

Some schools travel abroad and either play to foreign audiences or work with foreign groups, making music together. Over the years many school groups have also put on their plays and musicals at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

Most school music workshops are carried out in school but some away-day experiences are on offer where schools work together guided by professionals, such as at the Royal Opera House.


Main organisations:

Royal College of Music

Music Education Council

Making Music

Music Mark

Arts Council

DfE Project - The Importance of Music

National Foundation for Educational Research

Edinburgh Festival Fringe

Inclusion: NASEN


Thought of visiting?


Rayburn Tours


Club Europe

NST Group

Gower Tours

Barbican Music Hall

Birmingham Symphony Hall


For a complete list of venues and providers who deliver specialist courses and activities for this subject see below:

Venue Type: 
Arenas and Exhibition Centres
Overall Rating: 

Managed and operated by SMG Europe, we are one of the busiest venues in the world and the largest indoor arena in Europe.

Since opening in 1995, we've hosted the biggest names in live entertainment including U2, The Rolling Stones, Madonna, Lady Gaga, Pavarotti and the record-breaking 2010/2011 residency by local comedian Peter Kay.

School Music Tours for amateur performance groups, including orchestras, choirs and bands
Venue Type: 
Theatres, Music and Performing Arts Venues
Overall Rating: 

The first Gower music tour was to Valkenburg in southern Holland, which is a resort that we still operate in today. Very quickly the music tour clients expanded and soon Gower was organising choir, band and orchestra tours in Northern France, Paris and down the German Rhine Valley.

The most famous recording studios in the world
Venue Type: 
Factory Visits & Industry
Overall Rating: 

Abbey Road Studios is most closely associated with the Beatles, who recorded almost all of their albums and singles there between 1962 and 1970.


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