What is it?
The word "Automotive" comes from the Greek and Latin words "autos" and "motivus", meaning "self" and "of motion" respectively - the automotive industry concerns itself with self-powered vehicles. In our definition of Transport we cover all types of transport including horse-drawn, wind-powered, jet-propelled and even wind-up or electric powered.
What does it involve?
Transport can be great to learn about because it involves so many aspects of society - technological advancements, trends in style, financial situations; students can get involved in all this by visiting sites that display examples of vehicles or modes of transport. A tangible example of the point of interest will always capture more attention than book learning as you can get much more physically involved with what is going on.
Why do it and what are the benefits?
Learning about the history of automotive vehicles and transport gives a great look back through the developments technology went through to reach the current day. History is always great to see through a less traditional lens, and by looking at the manner in which people travelled about their lives in the past can be extremely educational, and can make history seem more real.
What equipment do we need?
As most trips to a transport venue will mainly be museum based, you shouldn't need to supply any equipment for the trip - but check ahead just in case, as there could be unexpected aspects of the trip to cater for.
Who is it suitable for?
Students both young and older should enjoy transport-based learning; it can be presented in different ways to engage different age groups, but everyone interacts with automotive transport in some manner within their lives and will therefore have some level of interest!
Every venue will have different costs depending on their size and set up, but in general a museum-type visit shouldn't cost too much for general admission, especially with a possible group discount.
Issues/Things to think about? (unsuitable for age groups, medical conditions etc)
If visiting a museum, it's important to make sure there is enough going on to sufficiently capture the attention of the group - be aware of the needs of the group!
How do we include?
A transport/automotion learning experience should be a great event to include everybody in - just make sure to check the specific access setup of the venue beforehand.
Doing it abroad?
Foreign countries will have their own fascinating transport histories - forms of automotive vehicles vary all over the world, so those who are interested in the area will take great enjoyment in learning more about how things developed abroad.
Main website:
The National Historic Ships Register is a great starting point for those interested in visiting some of the great ships our nation has produced.